April 1, 2023
Congratulations to the Fan of the Month for April – Kimberley. Learn more about Kimberley below.

Where are you from? Devine, TX
What was the first Jason Aldean song you heard? Fly Over States
How many years have you been a Jason Aldean fan? 15 years
How many Jason Aldean shows have you been to? 7
What is the farthest you have travelled for a Jason Aldean concert? Boston, MA
What’s one thing that sets you apart from other Jason Aldean fans? Livin’ the life he sings about. We own a hay farm in deep South Texas, we actually use John Deere tractors every day in our life. I grew up in a small town, Jason’s music takes me back to a time when I used to party on dirt roads, party on tailgates. Jason’s music reflects my past and my current life as well as the future, working hard to make a living, holding onto to land for my boys to farm and follow for generations. I actually live about the life he sings in his songs. I’ve met him once and it was an incredible experience, he was so humble and genuine, made me a fan for LIFE.
Tell us your favorite Jason Aldean related story. My favorite Jason Aldean story is meeting him in person….not much can top that! I met him in Arlington at the Dallas Cowboy arena! It was literally one of the BEST moments in my LIFE, besides marrying my best friend and having two super boys! Jason was so down to earth and humble, truly an honor to meet him and will forever be a fan! I was able to meet Brittany and some of the band too in San Antonio, they were all so gracious and friendly…definitely something I will NEVER forget! I’ve met so many other fans just because of our shared love of Jason…such a wonderful experience!
Congratulations go out to Kimberley, she will be receiving a Jason Aldean prize pack!